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Epoxy resin solar panel

Solar panel — a solar device that converts light into electricity. Photovoltaics – Photovoltaic devices are not solid blocks, but are made of multiple smaller components called photovoltaic cells. These SDO Optimizator sončne plošče little cells serve as mini energy harvester and they capture sunlight and convert it into usable electrical power. It means we can run our lights, computers and refrigerators from the power of the sun.

Epoxy Resin Solar Panels

Epoxy resin solar panels are the new type of solar panel. These panels have been thermo-bonded with a super-durable and durable epoxy resin. This lends an additional type of protection for the solar cells contained within the panels, as it is made from a specialized plastic. Epoxy resin solar panels can last more than other types of part because they add this layer of protection. Regular solar panels get damaged in rain drops, air pressure, dusts. But these things happen with these engineered solar cells.

Why choose SDO Epoxy resin solar panel?

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